Friday, September 20, 2013

Netrunner 13.06 Enigma, Best KDE Experience On Linux

The best desktop GUI on Linux is KDE, and distro that has the best out of the box KDE experience is Netrunner 13.06 Enigma.
The thing about Netrunner that is most interesting is that it is developed by Blue System, who also do development for Kubuntu.  Martin Grablin is a key brain trust of Blue Systems and lead developer for KDE.

A Distinctive Look and Feel

Think Kubuntu -- as in the KDE version of Ubuntu -- with a splash of Linux Mint and a dash of GNOME integration. This combination makes Netrunner very compatible with Ubuntu applications in particular and all things Debian in general.

The Netrunner distro focuses on just one desktop shell. It smoothes out that user interface. Then it blends in refinements not found elsewhere.

The GNOME-style bottom panel holds the applications menu at the left end along with launcher icons for the Dolphin file manager and the default Firefox Web browser. A system tray of sorts is on the right end holding icons for Internet and device connections as well as the virtual workspace pager widget.

A right-click on any main menu item lets you place an icon for that application on the desktop and/or favorites menu. Plus, you have full control over panel settings and additional widgets you might want to place there.

Best of Two Worlds

If you are not a fan of the KDE desktop environment, give Netrunner a try anyway. The Netrunner version may well change your mind. It is clean and simple to use.

Other Linux distros try similar approaches, but Netrunner's developers execute their design better than the others. The KDE desktop can be a bit daunting to work through, with all of its myriad options and configuration settings. Not so with the KDE integration built into Netrunner, however.

One of the design features that simplifies the desktop interface is the built-in clean folderview desktop screen. So in this KDE iteration, there is no Activities hot-corner in the upper right of the screen to fuss with. Instead, a search-style interface with some of that functionality pops up on the screen if you click its icon in the bottom panel.

Under the Hood

Netrunner comes in 64- and 32-bit versions. This latest release has KDE version 4.10.4 with Linux kernel 3.8.0 and Dolphin 2.2 as the file manager. Flash and MP3 codecs are included with the installation.

Window themes are the domain of the new KWin Aurorae 3 Engine. This seems to give good results on even my older gear and aging netbook. Mint Software Sources and Hardware Manager tools are included for added compatibility.

I am often disappointed with the installed base of applications in most distributions, but Netrunner's software arsenal let me get real work done without having to first install applications I want to use.

For example, included with the installed set of software is Firefox for KDE. Its support package allows for native file dialog and mimetype extension for the KDE Workspace.

More App Adoration

LibreOffice and some of the Calligra suite components provide the mainstay of the office applications. Kate -- KDE's powerful text editor -- is also included.

Other worthwhile packages are FileZilla, an FTP client; GIMP for image editing; the VLC media player; the Tomahawk music librarian; the Kamoso image retriever; the WinFF video converter; VirtualBox; and Skype. Yakuake is Netrunner's Qt-native drop-down terminal.

Muon, meanwhile, handles the package manager chores. It does system updates and has its own App Store called Muon Discover. The Synaptic Package manager is also preinstalled. Pleasantly, the Steam client is available for easy installation.

Also worth noting is that the Netrunner project just recently released Netrunner SE 13.06, where the "SE" stands for "stealth edition." Designed for extra privacy and security, this release includes Firefox preconfigured with Tor, FoxyProxy, HTTPs Everywhere and NoScript, as well as Thunderbird with Enigmail, among other anonymity-minded tools.

Beyond Local

One of the best features is Netrunner's clever integration with Web applications. I was impressed with the fluidity and ease of access to those apps.

A separate category for this feature is on the applications menu. You can access Dropbox, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube from this menu. You can also click on a link to your Runners-ID account. Runners-ID is a free cloud storage service that provides a digital closet for your data, contacts, calendar events, photos and music streaming. You get 2 GB of free space per account.

An icon for this service is on the desktop as well. Clicking on an entry takes you to a preloaded page in the Web browser.

Similarly, the Web Apps menu has links to a variety of Google Web services. These include Google Docs, Google Mail, Google Calendar, Google Contacts and Google Maps. Several Web-based games are listed in this Web App category's menu as well.

In addition, Netrunner has its own Game category in the menu. It offers about 14 different titles in five subdivisions. You get more preinstalled gaming options in Netrunner than I have seen in most other Linux distros.

Bottom Line

Netrunner has many extras not found in other Linux distros. Its embellished KDE interface is clean and easy to use. Yet the distro itself, while attractive to Linux newcomers, has much to entice Linux veterans as well.

Netrunner is clearly a step or two ahead of typical Linux distros. It is a solid performer that is well-supported by the community forums. It could be the best KDE variations in the Linux desktop market.